The goal of Smarter Business Group is to create a better space for people to work, live, have fun, and rest.
Smarter Business Group unites companies whose main directions are innovative technologies, smart home systems, automation of buildings, and building stations working on alternative energy sources.
The company has been operating on the market since 2015. Its main direction is the full service of electrical systems. Today, Smarter Business Group includes the following companies: Smarter, Smarter Solar, and Smarter Electric.

smarter electronics
Smarter Electronics offers all-purpose appliances for corporate purchasing. Computer equipment, TVs, mobiles and audio equipment, household appliances and servers.
smarter electric
In 2021, we formed a company "Smarter Electric". The project covered electrical and fire detection services. The company has become the most trusted and successful in Georgia and partnered up with significant brands in the field.